Run: Easy Previous Next


6.4 mi


7:27 mi


Just guessing the distance. Ran to the high school and played soccer there. Ran out highplane, then through the haggot pond trail, then down 133 to cutler, then to the high school through the bakers meadow trails in the back. They were extremely rocky. So, overall probably more distance then what I have, but at this point it doesn't really matter if I under or overestimate.

Felt really sore this morning and today. Luckily I had a lot of walking and not much sitting at work, so I worked it out. Felt great during my run. A bit hot. But tomorrow will be worse.

2 days, I've got to keep it up. Tomorrow night I have a soccer game, and thursday I have a hockey game and have to cook. So it is going to be tough to keep this up. But I have to, Didn't do core, which kind of bugs me. I'm going to try and do core 6 days of the week. Looks like I used up my off day.
