Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi


6:54 mi

  • Map

West Loop


Conditions were kind of awful today. Weathermen describe it as a wintry mix, meaning there was rain, snow and hail/sleet (I don't really know the difference). Anyway, started in rain, which was not great but not bad, especially because it was just a light drizzle. Then went to hail, which was painful. My face was the only part exposed, but it stung. In the middle there was snow, which was also fine. The hail started to build up, so it was like running on sand, albeit a very shallow sand with asphalt underneath. Like the parking lot of a beach.

New weekly plan, hopefully will go better then all my other ones. I'm going to go into work early, then run at 4 right at work. Have a route mapped out and everything. Right now I figure I still have time for boston, but I'm kind of screwed for Hyannis. I need to buckle down. If only this weather weren't so shitty. Cars can't see around corners, which means if it is dark out, I have to run on the treadmill. Me and the treadmill have a complex relationship. I don't like it, and it probably doesn't like me ( its hard to tell). So I'm going to try and run 50 miles easy this coming week. Hopefully it doesn't snow, but it probably will.
