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16.1 mi


7:19 mi

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Ran with duffty, lane and Isaiah. Not a bad run, although I was pretty dead by the end. It is, I think, the longest run I've ever run. Lane kept throwing acorns at me, and duffty picked it up at the end after yelling at me for going too fast. I tried to stick with Isaiah and duffty at the end, but I was pretty tired and eventually just started wondering why I would want to. Considering 2 weeks ago I ran XXL with mccann and keith sub 7, I don't think this should have felt so hard. I am really sore, and I'm glad I took sunday off, although I probably should've done something to shake out. I think this higher mileage is finally getting to me. Last week I took the end of the week easy and still hit over 50. This week I'm going to try to work back up to 60ish, which considering I took off sunday should be like 70 any other week. Then I'll start slowly taking away miles.
