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10.3 mi


7:17 mi

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Ran out easy for 25 minutes, then started the workout. This consisted of 8 minutes LT, followed by 4 minutes gradually picking it up. Then 4 minutes rest, which I did not count in the time, followed by the same on the way back. We were supposed to try to make it back in 11 minutes. We made it back in 9:30, to where we started. It was a lot more hilly than I thought. This workout was supposed to be at the trails, which would have been nice, but reservoir was pretty awesome as well. Ran a somewhat quick cooldown, which was good b/c it gave me time to ice before work. My leg still feels a little bit sore, but nothing too painful. Copied the total time from gabe. Apparantly we went out low 6 minute pace uphill and came back low 5 minute pace downhill. Not bad.
