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13.1 mi


7:22 mi


So I dropped the full and stopped at the half. I haven't been running the past month or so because of my leg. Around mile 8 my leg started hurting. While I am sometimes stupid, I think I did the smart thing here, although I don't like that I did it.

Security was tight, so it took an hour to get in to the race start. I checked my bag and got to the line right as the gun went off. Unfortunately that means I didn't get a chance to pee. So I stopped in the first mile at some portopotties. I was already in the back of my corral, because of how late I was, so this put me pretty far back. It was a long pee. When I got out I weaved for a bit. Around mile 8 I stopped again to poop, which obviously was long as well, because of wiping and stuff. When I got out of the bathroom that time my leg was started hurting. For the next 4 or so mile I considered continuing, but made the call to stop and slowed down for the last mile or so. In all honesty if I had finished I would have been looking at around 345ish and miserable.

My watch time was around 131, so lot of time in the bathroom. I'll update with my actual splits if and when I remember.
