Run: Long Previous Next


14.6 mi


7:04 mi


A little quick. It was a really nice day out today. I ran kind of late, as I was out last night for New Years and slept until 2. So I didn't really start running until like 330. By the time I got to the HS, it was pretty dark. I also didn't really eat anything for breakfast, except for a cookie which was bad. I had eaten a lot the night before though, buffalo wings and cookies and chips and dip, and beer, and so I didn't feel too bad during the run. Good to get the long run in. It also wasn't as boring as I always think it will be running by myself. Tomorrow it might snow, so I'm going to have to run in it. I'm going to try and run around the church loop, because the track is definately not clear. Wish i had stayed in contact with the HS coach, then I might be able to know when the indoor track is open. Eh, roads aren't that bad.
