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9.4 mi


6:38 mi

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Church Loop


Nice workout. Was going to do it yesterday, but the streets were barely plowed and it was snowing. Instead I was planning on running on the treadmill, but a last minute decision to go see Avatar with the family made me miss the day. I'm not really mad, as my leg was feeling sore and probably needed the day off. Plus watching Avatar was kind of a workout. Long movie. Anyway, again I did not hit the mieage I planned, but I'm still going for the 70 this week. Last week I was hitting on average more than 10 a day and I think I can again this week, although I have jury duty on thursday unless they cancel it, which might make me have to switch workout days again. Ran this workout on the church loop. I mapped out a out and back thousand. Starting at the first little street on the loop, going to the right at the turn, I ran until the street right before the turn. Then I ran back to the next street on the left, which was approximately 200 m. Then I ran until the stream. Finally, I ran the 400 m back to the start. Repeat as necessary. The 2nd 400 I passed someone and they were so scared they shouted out. I'm not a quiet runner, so they had their music up way too high. On the third 1000 I also had a girl to chase, which probably explains why it is so fast.
