Run: Easy Previous Next


10.2 mi


6:51 mi


Wish I had gone slightly slower and gotten the 1:10 perfectly. Felt good during this run. I think this was partly due to me taking the past 4 days off, but mostly I think it is anticipation for the coming season. Although I love cross country and it is the most fun of the seasons, I feel like track is the season where you PR and is much more serious. As such I plan this year to take it serious and have the best season I've ever had. Coming off of my fairly decent XC season that shouldn't be too hard, but I want to really see how fast I can go.

My goals for this season in order of importance are a sub 33 10k, a sub 1540 5k and a sub 9 3k. All of these I think I should be able to easily gain, and when i do I plan to lower them. I don't really ever want to run a mile or half mile, because I believe I can't really run fast enough to be competetive in either. My main goal, really the goal which is going to help me gain my other goals, is to not take a day off until christmas. I want to get a new long streak going and I think that it will help my season immensely. The reason I believe I started doing worse in XC was the large amount of time I took off towards the end of the season. Furthermore, I want to get my weekly mileage up to 70 or 80 miles by mid december and then hold it there until well into the season. I don't really want to start taking it easier until mid spring track. This shouldn't be that hard b/c typically brian has us run more in workouts then Savvy. Tomorrow I'm planning on running early and then watching the time trials. they're running the mile and the two mile. I wish I could run the two, I really want to break 10 minutes and assume that I could.
