Run: Long Previous Next


20.6 mi


6:57 mi


Longest run I've ever done and I got horribly lost. Forgot to take the turn on east street. Didn't realize it for a while. At one point I looked down and the watch was at 130 and I knew two things, first, that I should have been watching my watch more closely, and secondly that I was probably lost. Then I passed towns that I rarely ever seen, going through wilmington, and reading, and seeing things like a T station and signs for other towns like woburn. At this point i thought, crap, I'm very lost. Anyway, long story short, I resolved to run anyway for 220, which I figured would be 20 miles, my goal for the day, assuming they were 7 minute miles. At 210 I stopped and asked some walkers if they had a cellphone I could use. They were very friendly. Anyway, called home. Then I ran around the block for 10 or so minutes, making it 20 miles. I still had my doubts, b/c I was dying by the end, but the map doesn't lie. I was very thirsty. Passed like 10 dd drive throughs that I wanted to stop and ask for water. Slowed down when I realized I was lost, as well as because I was cramping up. It was extremely hot out today. Work tomorrow, then the B, then a run on the treadmill. FML
