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9.6 mi


7:50 mi

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Don't know my exact times, because I tried timing myself on my ipod but I kept screwing up. I need to either find my watch or buy a new one. Ran by myself today, slightly early, because I had job stuff at 6. Running by myself the hills were kind of off pace. The first four were 136,137,135, and 138. I was aiming for 38s. The second one I screwed up timing, so it is just a guess. I started out behind boucher and passed him, and he ran 141, so I figure I ran a lot faster. My last 4, right when brian showed up were all around 142. I say around because, for one of them I pressed the wrong button, and for the rest my hands were too cold to press the buttons quickly, which I didn't think of before the run. My rests were generally around 3 min. The first and 4th rest were slightly long, because for one I stopped to pee and for another I stopped to tell brian my splits. Not only was I running by myself, but through some weird twist of fate, I ended up not even seeing anyone else running. I saw the girls preparing to run and at the end I caught up with scott smitty and someone else, but other than that no one. I figured I would start early and then the others would end up running with me and could help pacing wise. I did see a fox though, which was pretty cool for worcester. I took the distance from last week, because I ran the same thing. Did flexibility as well. Slowed down the pace slightly because I took the cooldown very easy, at least I think because I didn't time it.
