Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi


7:33 mi

  • Map

West Loop


Kind of slow, looking at the time. But I'm still happy with it. First of all, I had just run 8 hours before, finishing my run around 8 and playing bball for 2 hours. Also, it snowed a lot so the streets were crappy. Even when I could run in the middle of the streets, when there were no cars, it still was two steps forward one back. So I'm happy with this run. Also, I woke up, so that's awesome. Hopefully I can keep it up. I think not having the treadmill as an option is actually helping.

My right ankle, the right side, kind of hurt a lot today. I think it is a basketball injury, as it hurt during bball, so hopefully it will resolve itself. If it still hurts tomorrow or saturday, then I've probably got a problem, but until then I won't worry about it.
