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8.5 mi


7:08 mi

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Ran in the morning and went into work late. Would have been able to run earlier, but had to clean off cars around 7-730. Then I went inside and saw an email saying that my boss wasn't coming in until 11. Anyway, that was good. Watched the first half of the best movie ever made, star wars. Just got to see the exciting escape from Tatooine, and han shooting first(original theatrical cut is definitely the best).

I'm also leaning towards doubling everyday. I haven't run for a while and that is because I've been trying to run in the morning. So when I miss the run in the morning I also tend to miss at night, with the belief that I will be getting up early in the morning to run and don't want to run to close. Plus it seems a good way to increase mileage. I'm also going to try and run for a certain time, especially on the treadmill, versus a distance. I tend to cut off distances, but a time can't lie. If I'm getting tired I can just go slower. So tonight, hopefully, I'll watch the end of star wars. I'm also reading running books, trying to get psyched. It's kind of working.
