Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9.5 mi


6:41 mi

  • Map

High School


4x 5 min at 3k pace. Ran the first 3 miles to 133 for a warmup. The first 5 minutes was approximately a mile. After that I would guess that they were a little less than a mile. Happy with the amount of effort though, as a lot of the pickups were with hills. The last one was all downhill, so that may have been more than a mile. Finished the workout around the flower store, with about a mile and a half cooldown. Now I'm going to lift. Right on pace for 60+ this week, with a day off. Tomorrow I'll run 12, with friday being long at around 15, and then saturday I should run around 9, because the workkout seems around that distance. I hope it doesn't snow, because the track may be clear by now. I'll check it out tomorrow on the 12 mile run. Otherwise I'll have to map out the church loop more exactly.
