Run: Easy Previous Next


10.2 mi


7:02 mi

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Country Club


The sidewalks on river road were all covered, which made this run kind of dangerous. Probably shouldn't do it again unless they're clear. Then again, I probably will. Felt a lot better today. Had trouble falling asleep last night, but when I woke up I was fine.

My plan for next week is as follows;

Sunday-Long run 12ish, preferably earlier to prepare for

monday- run in the morning, recovery 7ish

tuesday- hill workout, to get back speed 7ish

wednesday-recovery again, with lifting 7ish

thursday-Another hill workout, eventually I'll switch to intervals, but I need speed first 7ish

Friday-recovery and lifting 7ish

saturday- Tempo run 10ish

Hopefully I'll reach around 50-60 miles, not going over 60. Don't want to push too hard. I also am going to try to run early in the morning every day. It's a lot colder, but the light definitely makes up for it. That's my plan, lets see how it goes. As usual, my plan is subject to change whenever I feel like it.
