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16.3 mi


7:16 mi


Not positive about the time, as it was two days ago. Ran at night. Dan and Lane screwed up worcester county corrections and did this run. Didn't even run past the corrections. Duffty and I kind of sprinted towards the end, i would guess it could have been as low as 630s for the last 3 or 4 when we got on amandas. really hot, ran shirtless, raining too. Ran with dan and duffty. Felt bad, because dan R. was running a little slow and so we dropped him once we got into familiar, well lit, territory i.e. amandas. Always hate when I lose people, but I also hate running slower than is comfortable. One of the few things I like about running by myself is picking my own pace, which usually comes out to around 7 minute pace. Unfortunately, the majority of the team does not consider that an easy pace. Technically Dan R. mapped the route at 16.18, but, as we didn't go in the backdoor but finished normal, I'm assuming it was a little longer. Probably longer than what I have it mapped as.
