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8 km


5:54 mi

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Feaster Five


Went out with Josh for the first three miles. He wanted to break 30 and I wanted to help him. I felt really good for the first mile but I could tell from the Josh's ability to talk, which slowly went away, that he was beginning to struggle. So I tried to get in front and have him keep with me. Went through the frist around 610, and the second at 1213. The first and second are relatively uphill, especially the first. The third was 1820ish. At this point Josh really seemed to be falling back, so I actively tried to slow down so I could be closer. Unfortunately I think this caused him to slow down as well. A lot of people passed me, but Josh seemed to still be falling back. At that point I gave up on pacing him, assuming it for a lost cause and took off. The 4th and 5th mile are relatively downhill, so I ran pretty quick on those. You also join up with the 5k again, so there is a mob of people. I felt great. Afterwards Josh apparently picked up when I took off, and very nearly broke 30. I feel a little bad for leaving him, but take some solace in the fact that my leaving may have helped, and at least I tried. Fun run though. I love thanksgiving. I need to start running again too. Month and half till Disney.
