Run: Easy Previous Next


12.6 mi


6:46 mi


Kept telling myself to slow down, otherwise this would have been way too fast. Past couple of days I've been really sore, or tight. Nothing unusual, my legs just feel tired. I think that is a good thing, if they can be tired and not hurt, then I can get some real good training in. Shook out after about 2 miles. Doing a fartlek tomorrow so that is important to know.

Yesterday I had trouble getting out and running after work, and remember asking myself how people do it. Now I'm convinced that it was just b/c it was a workout. Today I honestly couldn't wait to get out of work and run, and can't really understand how people just come home and sit around after work. Worked 17 hours it two days, not bad. Then I ran for a good 3 hours. Assuming I slept, took showers, watched boy meets world and ate for about 20 hours that still leaves 8 hours of free time. Not bad. I had worries before about whether or not I would continue running once I got a job. This little practice job is showing me that I could definitely do both.
