Run: Easy Previous Next


6.2 mi


7:26 mi


157 lb
  • Map



Good day today. Feel like I'm back in hard training mode. Warmed up from Bren's to belmont 20' then the plan was 7 mi progression, 6:40-30-20-10-5:50-35-25. First four we were with John and he was rolling, then after dropping him off I knew I was going to have a hard time keeping up with Bren for the rest of it. Felt good at 5:50 and not terrible at 5:38 but ran out of gas on the last one. Thought about trying to just do a hard half mile and cutting it there but made an effort to keep a good tempo up and just finish it out where it was. Path was kinda slick today too which didn't help matters. Ran into Tray on the cooldown, good to have company for a bit.
