Run: Recovery Jog Previous Next


1.5 mi


7:30 mi


161 lb
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27 up, 7xmile @HMP with 400 jog (shooting for 5:30 pretty much, tried to take it easier on the first one but didn't), 8' down

Real good workout today. Beautiful day out, about 70 and sunny with low winds. Did an extended warmup with the group because we were looking for Matt, but I didn't mind since I figured it was good to simulate running fast for a longer period of time anyway.

Didn't really look at my watch at all during these, just kept a pretty hard but steady effort throughout. Ended up being really close on all of them, the second one was a little off because we had to turn off for a train. Did 1-5 with company, then 6 and 7 alone. Definitely pretty tired at the end, but more like marathon tired where my legs feel pretty locked into the pace even when I'm getting run down. Things are coming together well right now, just gotta keep focusing one day at a time.
