Run: HMP Previous Next


7:43 AM

6.4 mi


5:37 mi


161 lb
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Down in Lawrence KS for regionals. Woke up early this morning for 4 up, 3x12' at HMP with 90" RJ, 2ish down.

Went down to the levee where I knew there was a long and straight gravel path along the river. Didn't really want to do it on gravel but I figured better the devil I knew to the devil I didn't. Felt pretty good on the warmup, did an extended one to get the feel of having more miles under my legs before the pace work. Didn't really look at the watch much, just ran. First one was a tad slow, but felt like the same effort I'd been running recently so I just went with it. Second one I just ran back to the spot I started the first, which is why it was short, and by then I was starting to hurt pretty good. Third one was pretty tough, just again kept same effort and tried to cruise. Took a wrong turn on the underpass which messed up the split a little but not much.

Good work overall. Would have like paces to be a bit faster but I think the gravel slowed me down some probably. Humid out today too, which is probably a good thing to prepare for. Very tired slow cooldown.
