Run: Easy Previous Next


5.7 mi


7:20 mi


163.5 lb
  • Map



Workout today: 20ish up, 6xmile (aiming for 6'-5:30), 400 faster RJ, 20ish down.

Figured today would be a pretty good day, weather was great and had a couple easy days before this one. Started from the store and it seemed our group was going to be pretty sparse, but it ended up coming together eventually. Splits were pretty good, and I felt pretty comfortable with the exception of the last one, getting a little bit ragged at that point. Had Merch with me for most of it, as well as Tyler, Brendan for the first time, Doron, and some guys running boston doing the first half with us. Not quite as easy as I might have hoped but still stayed pretty patient with it.
