Run: Tempo Previous Next


4 mi

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Ran a 4 mile tempo on the track today. I tried to run a tempo yesterday, I had my pace down, got stretched, mentally ready, and about a mile into my run, I realized construction had not yet been finished on the 2-mile loop I was running. I was so pissed when I met the sign "Road closed", especially because I specifically asked someone if it was open and they said yes - construction was finished.

Despite yesterday's disappointment, I still managed to run a good pace, though with much breaks. I intended to run 5:40 pace but instead ran 5:23, 5:21, 5:24, and 5:36 for each mile split, but that was with a rest period between each mile. It was very hot out again, so I didn't want to do anything too hardcore, especially because I had to run 3 miles to get home. And a very slow 3 miles they were, but I was content with my splits. I maintained good form, felt tired and didn't want to do miles 3 or 4 but got em done. I hate that the only place where I can run without stopping for traffic and still have accurate mile markers are either the high school track or a treadmill, and since I cant stand treadmills, only one choice. And hills here are virtually nonexistent.
