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9 mi

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Hillacious 9


Hillacious is awesome. I thought I was going to run solo today, but then I saw Colin in the distance and he waited until I caught up. Then a mile later I heard an annoying voice, and I looked back and it was Boyce with Billy. I assume the voice was Boyce.

I'm excited to have made it to conference, but I don't want to make the mistake that my work is done here - that I am content with just making it. I set goals last week and made an effort to eat right. I got shit for sleep (except for the night before, which I got 8 hours), but I can still run decent as long as I get awesome sleep the night before.

SO, goals for tomorrow:

1) 5 servings fruits/veggies

2) Take any workout given and finish the times given.

3) Lift 2 sets with good form.

4) Get to trainers before 12.

5) Study for Cell Bio
