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13.1 mi


6:56 mi

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The easy pace got tougher as the run went on, but I managed to stay at the 7-min pace. The uphills and downhills are at the end, but I liked the course - it gives what it takes, and is a net incline of zero. The clouds protected me from the sun today - something I was grateful for. Traffic went well - only had to stop twice or three times for traffic. It was still a longer run that I have done in a while, so it wasn't as comfortable as I'd like, but I think it's only a matter of getting used to running for 90+ minutes.

My goal for tomorrow would be to do some stretching/abs in the morning. I have been doing abs/pushups after my runs, but as the runs get longer, my motivation goes down to do more work after the run. I think if I do the abs/pushups/lifting in the morning, and the runs in the afternoon, it'll give my body more time to recover, so I won't be so burnt out.
