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14.3 mi

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Found a cool trail across the border in Illinois - just 3 miles from my house. I got lost a little bit because there are several forks in the path and I simply chose the wrong way, but it was a new route I've never seen and nice to get some new trail for once. Some of it was with trees on both sides, which was nice, but towards the end (like the last 6 miles) was all sun. I was so relieved when I saw sprinklers in peoples' yards - I immediately ran through them, though I probably should have done this run earlier to avoid the mid-day heat. I enjoyed it though.

This week I just got my miles done. I did a couple of abs/pushup workouts, but nothing too much. I didn't want to burn myself out, but this upcoming week I'm gonna try and stick back to my old routine, with some upgrades.

Monday AM: abs, pushups, run [if necessary]

Mon. PM: fartlek or tempo

Tuesday AM:Yoga for runners

Tues PM: mileage, sprints

Wed AM: abs, pushups, run [if necessary]

Wed PM: tempo

Thurs. AM: Yoga for runners

Thurs. PM: mileage, sprints

Fri AM: abs, pushups, run [if necessary]

Fri PM: mileage

Sat AM: Yoga for runners

Sat PM: mileage, hill repeats

Sun AM: long run
