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9.9 mi


6:30 mi

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Bike Trail


I just now realized on the miles list that some runs are split up into 2 runs a day. I've just been running them all at once. Today was a smooth 10 miles. I came through the 7 mile marker at around 6:42/mile, or so I thought. Anyway, today was another nice day to run - no gloves or hat needed. In fact, I've only seen snow once this entire break - and it was lame!

So break is over in a couple of days. My athletic goals were: staying healthy. Done, thanks to good sleep, healthy eating, and adequate rest. Getting faster: well, I feel faster in the long-distance, and though my sprints could use a lot of work, and I have a long way to go, I'd say yes, I am at least a little faster than when I began break.

I've set some goals for this semester - things I want to be different, both athletically and personally. The real question is what am I going to do differently to obtain those different results. Time to get some good habits.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

