Run: Easy Previous Next


5:11 PM

7 mi


6:56 mi


150 bpm
168 bpm
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Awesome feeling run after PT! Did the normal Pressed loop. Turned into an impromptu sorta progression run. Just felt really good and kept the throttle down a bit more than normal. Nothing crazy but fast compared to what I normally do. Pressed the uphills and had fun on the downhills. I think also, running at a not-recovery pace really highlighted the hilliness of this route. Didn't realize how much of a slope some sections had, never was conscious of it. I am all the more for it. I need all the hills! And thankfully my calves and achilles were fine for this run, despite lots of plyos right before. However my knees seemed to be coming in where normally they don't. My guess is the plyos fatigued these.

Excited for more hilly runs, hill bounding, and the next training block ahead. I had a lot of fun today.
