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5:30 AM

5.9 mi


7:08 mi


188 lb
  • Map

downtown LA


Eddie D. and I set out for our famliar 6 mile route around USC but i just didnt have it today, felt good at first but then all of a sudden got tired midway through and after mile 4 eddie started pulling away, a stop light helped me catch up and he started to pull away again, i had a plan in my head to catch up and pass him on the last half mile which is a straight shot, i knew he would give it his all to keep that from happening since i got him in the same spot last week so i caught up then started to sprint and ever so barely pull ahead of him in the home stretch but then, with about 40 yards to go, i reached for the extra gear i would need to hold him off, and i couldnt reach it so he flew past me. even with the effort at the end, my last mile was a sad 742 pace, oh well, every run isnt going to be great, thanks to eddie for running with me or i certainly would have slowed down more because if no one is watching then it only hurts my pride after the run instead of both during and after.
