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9:59 AM

3.2 mi


6:51 mi


50 F
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4th Annual Run for Education - Biddeford

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Well, this sucked. If I was being honest with myself I knew that the likelihood of me going sub 21 was pretty unlikely but I did think I’d get a lot closer than this. The reality is that I haven’t run much over the last month and I haven’t run hard since the week before the marathon when I ran mile repeats but I felt border line out of shape today.

Leading up to the race everything seemed to fall in place and I even had an extra hour of sleep with Daylight Savings time. I took a wrong turn on the way to the race but only a few minutes out of the way. Arrived at the school, registered, peed, pinned my race # to my shirt, and I took off to get loose. Ran for about a mile, and then did a bunch of exercises to get loose. Went back to the school for one last potty stop and headed to the finish line. I couldn’t see any runners and thought “uh oh”. The starting line was right where I parked so I hustled over to the car, stripped down, put all the clothes in the truck, and headed over to the starting line. T-short and shorts today. It was cool but nice. As I am fiddling with the iPod and hit play the race director made a few announcements and I was ready. Boom, gun goes off. I’m running super slow based on my conversation with Cremer (trying not to go out to fast) and notice I am running 6:35. Just hold the easy pace and then the iPod shuts off 20 seconds into the run. I thought that was weird and knew this felt slow so I pulled it out of the strapped and started to fiddle with it. Then I dropped it on the ground. Great. I go back about 10 steps and pick it up, noticing that the glass has cracked. Slipped it back into the arm strap and hit play. Good to go. At this point I was worried that this would impact my time or my pace but the reality is that this has nothing to do with how shitty I ran today. Get into a groove and start picking a few people off. The watch hits Mile 1 – 6:43. Perfect. As I begin the second mile I notice that the pace is getting slower and slower. Hovering just under 7 minutes. I don’t feel great and noticed that I’m not easing into the feeling of being warm and loose. Now I’m just tired and there is still 2 miles to go. As I fight the pace I know that I need to keep fighting. Toward the end of mile 2 I start to improve the pace and hit 6:56. I know it’s slow but feel good that I fought the shitty mile and starting to feel better. I feel the pace pick up a little bit and then I hit a little, tiny hill. I mean really small. The size of my driveway small and the pace slows again. 7:11 pace. Fuck. Pick it back up and see the pace is gradually getting better. Now I’m around 6:50 pace. Ok. Hit the corner at the light on West St and try to take it in. My watch reads 3.1 and I’m at 21:14 but there is still what seems like plenty to go on the course. I try to take it in but don’t feel like I’m moving any faster. 21:50. Goddamn is that slow.

The reality of today is that I was fine physically. No niggles that impacted my ability to run. My stomach was great. The course was flat. I’m just not in the same shape I was 5 weeks ago and that’s ok. My thought was that the marathon training would carry me today but that wasn’t the case. Everyone is different and I think I need to be logging lots of miles to crush a 5k which makes sense. Also, no more racing with an iPod. It’s a stupid fucking distraction and a rookie crutch. After a quick exchange yesterday with Hoppity, I’ve realized that 2012 was a great year for me and there’s nothing but improvement ahead of me. I’ll go sub 21 next year. Who knows, maybe even sub 20.



Sorry to hear that you did not make your goal today. However, you seem to have the right attitude and some sound advice about looking at what you have in fact accomplished this year. Keep up the good work and the hard training through next year. I will be with you as I try to make my 5k time a priority as well. And no F-ing way I'm getting rid of my IPod, it's my crutch and I love it for motivation.


Yeah, I'm such liar. Going to plod along for a few weeks and then need to start thinking about what's next. Without a plan I just run 5 miles every day because its convenient. The funny thing is that I am as light as I've been in a long time.

My winter plan is to drink beer and eat pizza. I may even run more then 5 miles at some point again.

L Train

This isn't great but it's really not all that bad. I'd guess this was 90% mental and maybe 10% physical. No way you've lost any measurable amount of fitness in a month. Beer and pizza, just don't let yourself get too far gone, which shouldn't be hard.


You're sweet. Official results are even worse. 21:52 and 22nd overall and 2nd in my age group which is really a sad state of affairs. The next closest guy in my age group came in 23+. It's interesting though because the guy that won it ran 16:21 and 10 people ran sub 20s.