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4:35 PM

25.5 mi


25.53 mi / hr

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Bike @ the Y


It was quiet today so I took advantage and snuck out for an hour on the bike. I wore my Bball sneakers on the bike and that pretty much eliminated the pain the straps have been causing my feet. The realization of my lack of marathon training finally hit me and this was kind of an overreaction to me missing too many miles over the last several weeks. I really only warmed up for 2.5 minutes or so and then cranked for 30 minutes. Slowed down some between minutes 30 and 55 but still a pretty good pace. Once I knew I had 25 in the bag I slowed down the last 5 minutes or so for a pretty easy warm down. This was a good workout for me and will try to hit this a few more times this week along with my running which should be getting closer to an hour by the end of the week.


L Train

Jesus. I've worked pretty hard on that bike and never come close to that.


If I was riding a bike for a Marathon I'd be all set. But since I have to run 26.2 miles and have really not run much in the last few weeks I'm screwed. Yay!

L Train

You know you don't have to run a marathon, right? As a addict still fighting through recovery, I'm well equipped to freak out with you on this topic. But I am serious.


We'll see. I've always thought I would run a better marathon on a condensed schedule and now I'll get the chance to see if that is true. If I run a shitty time so be it. But I've got a HM to also gauge my fitness on 9.8 so I will have a better idea by then.