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4:15 AM



119 bpm
140 bpm


55 F
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<No name>


COMMENTS: I'm going to try this early morning thing again. Day one complete. Did 40 min on the ellip at a moderate pace. Finished it off with with some upper body on the Gravitron. It's 10:00 right now and I went to bed about 9:30 last night so I'm pretty beat. Had a power bar and a glass of milk or breakfast. Need to take my reading glasses next time. There is a little light to see the combination lock but it took me a few tries. Watched a soccer game and listened to music. My legs are pretty tired today. It's either the lack of sleep or I'm working them too much. Still no pains, but I want to skip running tomorrow so I can run on Sat then Mon when I'm off.

cal- 424
