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8:45 AM

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COMMENTS: Observation:

The track has some bumps on it where kids play and make small piles of gravel. They added some gravel recently and in some places it looks like waves although I can't seem to feel the ups and downs when I run. I like the unevenness of the track that helps use the muscles in your legs to keep your balance when running while a flat asphalt road or cement side walk would cause these muscles to get weak. Occasionally I get a twinge in one leg or knee which I assume is a muscle that has had to make a quick adjustment for balance. The tension lasts for a little bit and soon goes away. During yesterdays run I felt a twinge in my left knee that went away soon enough during the run. This morning it was rather noticeable (my left heel is still stiff right out of bed but loosens up after walking around the house a bit). Within 2-3 hours after waking up its usually gone and I feel better about running on it again. It?s in the same place that I usually get a pain when I over do it. On the inside of my knee beside the kneecap. Like the first time I went 3 miles and my right knee started feeling tense at the last part of the run. By the next day I was limping and it put me out of commission for almost a month. I did add an extra lap yesterday and while I don't think my pace was that quick, the effort seemed to be pretty high. The temperature was not very hot, there was no wind, but my HR was high and half of the run was in zone 5. I did push pretty hard the last lap. There were a lot of people in the infield and 6-7 walking around the track. So running seems tenser when there is an audience which may explain the extra effort. I'm putting this in the log as an observation and so the next time I consider running in the morning I have to remember the 2-3 hour wait which would mean running before going to work at 6am would be impossible.
