Bike: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

103.1 mi


15.03 mi / hr


125 bpm
160 bpm


64 F
  • Map


Great ride. We met at 6:15 and made it to Rutherfordton by 7:30. Unpacked, registered, and were ready to ride by about five past eight. With a five minute head start we did see any other riders for most of the ride. Within ten miles Jay had a flat. We had that changed and off again in less than ten minutes. Most of the ride was uneventful. We managed to miss the first rest stop and thought they were cleaning up already. All I could imagine was doing the ride without support. Mixing a three hour bottle of Perpetuem and taking a gel every two hours worked out well. Add to that a couple of chocolate chip cookies and a PBJ and I was set. Sag wagon followed us quite a bit. We were the last ones on the course till we came up on a couple of guys stopped to stretch. About mile 80 we hit some pretty heavy rain which lasted about 20 minutes. Now we're soaking wet which didn't really matter. Dried out nicely after passing through the rain and it started again about 7-8 miles out of town. Pulled into town and some of the people who recognized us cheered. Shower and free spaghetti dinner afterwards. I will certainly do this one again next year.

max- 39.1

zone- 0:04

cal- 5105
