Run: Easy Previous Next


3.3 mi


9:08 mi


125 bpm
170 bpm


84 F
  • Map

WA Bess


COMMENTS: This is about the best I can do given these weather conditions. Effort was about 8.5-9 the zone # and max HR show it. A little push left the last 100 yds. The first lap was in 2:12 so I know I started off too fast. I kept it at 2:15/lap for 2 miles and just couldn't keep the pace. Overall goal was to finish under 30 min. I had Gatoraid at each mile while continuing to run. Should wait till mile 2 to prevent side stitches. A squirt bottle is manageable but a cup would be useless. You have to walk to drink out of a cup. Make a "finger straw". The sugar in the gatoraid made my mouth seem puckered and dry. Need to find something with less sugar. Try the OJ salt mix.

My watch was running with 1:30:00 showing which is why the cal. are high and the avg HR is low.

zone 5-15:08


humidity- 29%, felt higher

