Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


12:30 PM

22.2 mi


18.31 mi / hr


144 bpm
240 bpm


59 F
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Tried out the aerobars on the road. I was a little squirmy at first. It's just a different position and any movement of your arms or shoulders has the bike swinging a little. This was suppose to be a recovery ride. I got on New Hope rd off of Hudson Blvd and hammered to Lower Armstrong rd. Had my average up to 19.8. Felt the tension in my left knee again and this is doing it a lot good. Had planned to do about 45 today but I cut it short. My knee needs to clear up before the weekend. I've been doing some pretty intense workouts in the garage lately. I need to start tapering. Don't know what's going on with the heart rate monitor. I've seen this before and last time it just got worse.

max- 33.5

zone- 1:50

cal- 1005
