Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


9:00 AM

22.2 mi


8.3 mi / hr


152 lb


  • Map



COMMENTS: Out the door at 9 this morning with maps in hand. First stop was Jetton Park near Cornelius. Found the park OK but the trail is across Jetton Road which is pretty busy. Got across the road and on the trail. Its not a difficult trail at all, only a mile long, but still too much for the kids. Although the park has miles of paved bike paths. I found a kick stand and put it in my bag to leave at the trail entrance till I left. When I took it out I forgot to zip the saddle bag back up. ON my next lap I spotted my tool kit on the trail then had to make a slooow lap looking for my phone and a few other things. This trail is not worth the trip up there. Better to go to North Mech Park which was my next stop. This one has 3.5 miles of trail with some pretty tough bits and a neat water crossing. I couldn't figure out which way you were suppose to ride the trail so I decided the two blazes pointing down meant turn around so I did and it turns out I should have followed them. So the first lap I did backwards. I asked someone on the trail and they said people do it all the time. On my second lap I saw more blazes, I didn't see any going backwards, so I knew this was right. Its not a good idea to ride a single track trail backwards. I really liked this trail and will go back sometime. Third on the list was Renaissance Park in Charlotte. I've run two 5k's here but never ridden it and I had not seen the second half of the trail. Parked at the ball fields and rode the half I had also run. I remember most of the trail considering I was riding it in the opposite direction. You should run and walk in the opposite direction. Not very difficult with some fast bits and a couple of steep gullys. Went on to the second half and had quite a surprise. Some very technical places with lots of roots or rocks. Came up on a stack of logs that were at an angle to the track and had to stop and survey that. Backed up, went over them without any problem and continued. A few steep climbs were made difficult by all the roots or rocks and the descents were very bumpy. Then came the big one. It was full of loose medium sized rocks that rolled under your tire or bounced you around either way it was hard to climb and at the top was a big log to get over. I made it about three quarters the way up the hill and walked the rest. I need to survey this one some more but I was running short on time. It was a good trail and a lot of fun. Its close enough I will go back some time. Right now I'm pretty tired and might get an email from some guys at work wanting to ride at the Whitewater center. Otherwise I might see who shows at the school for the Wed night ride.

avg- 8.3
