Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:30 PM

33.2 mi


18.18 mi / hr


157 lb
144 bpm
183 bpm


91 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


This was my first Coaster's Thur ride. I sent out a note saying I would be there. Had about 8 show. Went down Patrick and the old "B" route. Ben, Scott, and Jeff would break away every so often and I would chase them down. That was a good interval workout. One guy I haven't seen, riding like he was on a mountain bike, peddle-stop-peddle-stop and all over the place, attacked on a long hill. He had a good head start on me as I began to press up the hill. Once I wasn't sure I could catch him I stood up and sprinted the rest of the hill. I think he got a big shock when I went past him. I could tell he was burning. I slowed after the top to let the group catch up and Scott came whizzing by. I sprinted doing 30 to get on his wheel and stayed there to the next stop sign. Again, I think he was surprised it was me on his wheel after attacking the hill. The rest of the group was nowhere to be seen so we waited. Then I was shocked at the average pace. Thats about the hardest I've ridden in a while but it was mostly attack and recover.

max- 32.5

zone- 37:34

cal- 2152
