Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


9:30 AM

44.1 mi


18.57 mi / hr


147.5 lb
143 bpm


93 F


COMMENTS: This was suppose to be an easy ride. The heat made it more difficult than I had planned. I almost finished both water bottles and a gel and when I weighed I had lost about 6 lbs. Nest time I'll put more water in my jersey pockets. Was going along fine when I just ran out of energy. Hitting the wall its called in running. I guess the same happens in biking. It just felt like I couldn't go any further. Then I realized I had missed a turn. Doubled back and found some of the clubs road markings and headed for home. What a day!

The peak HR was at 240 again.

cal- 2287, plus the running

avg- 17 mph

max- 32 mph
