Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 AM

58.4 mi


16.59 mi / hr


147 lb


78 F


COMMENTS: Nice temperature this morning. Its a little darker in the mornings. At 7 there were 2 of us at the church. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to show when three more arrived. Doc decided we would do the usual Sat morn route and break off at Patrick Rd and do the GCC "W" route. That would be at least 45 miles plus my trip to and from the church. Got real hungry during the ride. Must be this cold. Stopped by a small grocery and bought a pack of Fig Newtons. That did the trick. Pretty tired when I got home.

avg- 16.3 We did about 17 on the ride and Doc and I took our time getting home. There was one bit where Doc made a pit stop and we went on slowly till he could catch up.

max- 33.5
