Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


10:30 AM

31.5 mi


17.56 mi / hr


161 lb
154 bpm
175 bpm


70 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


Started off on a good ride. Wore a vest and took it off at the end of Kendrick. Meet another guy at the end of Kendrick going by. He stayed with me till the fire house on New Hope. Went down New Hope at about 20-24 for the most part. Going toward the church in Belmont seemed to really take it out of me. The wind seemed to be in my face the whole day and gusty. By the time i got to the church I was pretty tired and knew I had started out too fast. Back on New Hope and I was just trying to keep moving into the wind. This is how I felt after the 60 mile ride with the hills so I'm a feeling a little out of shape from being off the road for five weeks. Turning off New Hope at the Botanical Gardens I had a more than an 18 average. That steadily dropped from that point on.The hill on Hoffman in front of the Lowe's Food almost did me in. Going down Kendrick I was able to keep the speed up around 21-22 with the wind behind me. Boy, do I need to get back in shape if I'm going to ride with the Wed group.

max- 28.9

zone- 0:58

cal- 1879
