Bike: Race Previous Next


1:00 PM

54.8 mi


17.83 mi / hr


144 bpm
179 bpm


56 F
  • Map


Having not ridden the road bike since before Thanksgiving, I got the rollers out last night to make sure the bike was in working order. Left the house at 12:45 to get to Forestview HS for the 13:15 start. Saw some of the Coasters there. Decided to keep up with Ben, John W, and Jeff. Left out of the school on time. John needed to take a pee break at about the 10 mile mark. I stopped and waited so the both of us could catch the group. And we did. Took quite an effort. The ride was going well until I get behind Jeff and he allows the group to get a gap. I could see it, but wasn't concerned at the moment. The next traffic light was red and the group had stopped so this was our chance to catch up so I sprinted to the light and it changed before I could get to it. Waited for at least a minute and a half. Crossing through the intersection was the only food stop and it looked like Ben and the group had stopped. Well, they didn't and we were farther behind. Jeff and I just cruised the last 20 miles in and took the last shortcut. I had my 50 miles for the day and wasn't concerned with time. Not having ridden in so long I just wanted to stay with the guys.

zone- 33:42

cal- 2903 (945/hr)
