Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


9:00 AM

50 mi


18.69 mi / hr


155 lb
146 bpm
171 bpm


89 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
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Random Route


I didn't plan for this to be a hard ride. Started out at a medium pace knowing I would do about 50 miles and didn't want to be miserable at the end.I needed to pick the kids up from summer camp at 12:30 and a 17mph average would get me back in time. Probably should have taken more than two bottles but it was a little cooler this morning. Did the Robinson loop, Patrick loop, then turned down 274 to Pole Branch and back up to Armstrong Ford, around Belmont, up New Hope to Redbud, and straight to Kendrick. Not a difficult route but the wind made going up New Hope miserable. As soon as I got to Patrick my right calf was trying to cramp. Fought it off and then it happened again in Belmont. Fought it off again but it came back on New Hope and again I managed to fight it off. After the first bought I started drinking more but not sure if it helped. Obviously didn't prevent it. Pretty tired going down Redbud and Hoffman but managed to keep a good pace. The wind was at my back on Kendrick so I poured it on. Home in plenty of time. Now I just need to recover by tomorrow evening in order to keep up with the fast group.

max- 38.5

zone- 14:46

cal- 2450
