Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


10:30 AM

11.2 mi


9.21 mi / hr


132 bpm
170 bpm


67 F
  • Map



Headed out to the WWC to do some easy laps. I was going to try two on the main loops. Everything is peachy till I get to the sharp hill across the bridge. I make it up about three out of five times but this time it looked like someone had dug into the hill with a shovel. I was too committed to stop but got to the top. It looks like they are trying to discourage you from doing it. I won't next time or until it get better. Started following a guy on a multi-gear who was just tooling along in the granny gear. Once we got to a longish climb I made my way around and greeted him. He almost jumped of the bike! Guess he didn't hear me following behind. Stopped at the top and chatted with a guy who goes by "Single Minded" on the Tarheel site. Did the Weigh Station loop and the sky is getting pretty dark. Decided not to risk riding in the rain so I did the main trail back to the car. Mostly a recovery ride. Pushed hard enough to get up the few hills. Staying on the main trail keeps the speed up. Average over nine on a recovery ride ain't bad.

zone- 9:40

cal- 1090

max- 23.0
