Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


12:30 PM

29.6 mi


17.34 mi / hr


159.5 lb
153 bpm
174 bpm


90 F


7 / 10
6 / 10


Hot today! I was taking it easy for the most part. I guess the heat put my HR up a bit. Can't believe it was over 160 for most of the ride. Started off OK. Hoffman to New Hope. Going down New Hope at the Chinese shop a soccer mom almost turned right and cut me off. She straightened out, went down a bit and then turned. Turned left at Armstrong Ford due to the headwind. Leaving Belmont and almost to the hwy 273 turn a pickup backed out into the road and I had to go around it. He hit the brakes as I was going behind him. Back on New Hope the wind was in my favor but I was quickly running out of water. I only brought one bottle for a almost two hour ride in the heat. Looks like I need to start the bottle an hour rule. I stopped at the Quick on the corner of Redbud and got a bottle of water and poured it into what was left of my Propel. With the heat I cut the ride a little short and turned on Gaston Day. I think riding 4 days in a row is showing.

max- 34.1

cal- 1791

zone- 51:06 (>160)
