Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 AM

49.2 mi


16.39 mi / hr


117 bpm
174 bpm


78 F


COMMENTS: Got up early and added 15 miles to the Sun morning ride. Fairly typical ride. Nothing unusual. No flats. My handle bars started moving down a little. Last night I rotated them up and moved the shifters down and rewraped the bars. Just didn't tighten them enough. Borrowed a tool kit and fixed it at one of the stops. My sprinting seems to be pretty good. We go up a 1.3 mile hill that climbs 175 ft. I was going along at a good pace and near the top when someone catches up with about 1500 ft to go so I stood up on the pedals and sprinted the rest of the way. I think it suprised him. Then we get back to the church and with about 1500 feet to go, and after being on level ground for some time Lee takes off ahead of me. I think he has too much of a jump so I hesitate then decide to try to catch him and did. I had gone through 5 gears when I passed him and was flying. Went to Panera Bread for a bagel and headed home.

max- 35.5

There is a hill everyone picks to go down. I just coasted and hit 35. Next time I may try to go faster.

avg- 16.6

zone 5- 1:38

cal- 1637
