Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

35.1 mi


21.67 mi / hr


86 F


COMMENTS: Great ride tonight. I tried to be strategic with my riding. Stay on someones wheel, go around slower riders going up the hills. Once we picked up the pace we were doing about 25-28 most of the time. I was behind Kurt at one point and didn't realize he had let a gap build. I went around him and encouraged him to keep up but I think he was spent which surprised me. I kept up till about mile 27. By now they were flying and we did about 30 down Hwy 49. We caught up with a group that had taken a short cut so I picked up with them and came in. While we were riding my right calf felt like it was trying to cramp. I kept stretching it and it went away. At the time I left the fast group my average was 22.5 mph. In the end it had dropped to 21.5 which is still fast. That group is very hard to keep up with but I'll keep trying. With two and a half months riding I might be asking too much but I get words of encouragement from the group and they so I'm doing great so I'll keep pressing on. Boy am I tired right now.

avg- 21.6

max- 38.5
