Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

3.3 mi


9:18 mi


147 bpm
166 bpm


68 F
  • Map

WA Bess


COMMENTS: Overcast and cool today. It was very easy to keep a 2:20 lap. Need to check my pace band on the track. Effort was 6. Breathing was 4/2 with the exception of the last lap and I pushed about 3/4 of it trying to get my time below 30. Had it not been for the push I didn't see the HR go above the 150's. Now I realize how hard it is to keep a good pace in the heat. Had some OJ mix at mile 2 and its a lot better than Gatoraid but I need to try it in the heat. Wish I could run in the mornings but getting up a 4 is not going to happen!

zone 5- 1:18

cal- 471
