Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

42.7 mi


19.05 mi / hr


158 lb


86 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


Started out I said I wasn't going to ride with the fast group. One of that group jumped out and we let him get a big lead. At some point the fast group decided to catch him and we took off so I had to go. We were doing 24-26 pretty consistent. I stayed on this for about 20 miles and decided it wasn't worth finishing another ride feeling miserable so I dropped back and picked up with 3 others. We went for a while at a steady 21-23 pace and dropped one of our riders. With the three of us we kept a good pace taking pretty long pulls. I suggested shorter pulls and we finished that way with a 19.2 average. Not bad for the three of us. I'm surprised I didn't fall apart sooner. I still don't feel like I've recouped from Sun's ride. Rode home strong trying not to let the average fall too much.

max- 37.7
