Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


11:30 AM

8.7 mi


7.41 mi / hr


157 lb
129 bpm
167 bpm


68 F
  • Map

Poston Park


Met Ben at Poston. Did one lap. Tried the big log on the Spencer Mtn loop and got most of the way across and had to hop off. Trail was mostly dry. Very dry compared to the last time I was here. I think that's what shot my HR up trying to push through the peanut butter mud with your tire diameter growing with every revolution. Felt much better this time. Ben had to go after a lap. I stayed and did a short one on the older loops. Made one adjustment to the EBB. With the longer allen wrench it's a lot easier and faster.

zone- 3:36 much better

cal- 1131
