Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


9:00 AM

26.6 mi


8.58 mi / hr



COMMENTS: Trail hopping today. Didn't go to bed after I got home from work.

Poplar Tent- I had heard it was technical. It's mostly turn after turn in the trees. Every option is like an obstacle course. I quit doing them after the third one. There were a few interesting things. Devil's Drop- a steep decent into a "play" area. You don't know where the trail is after this. Gravity Cavity- another steep drop followed by the accent on the opposite side. A couple of very large rocks to go up and over. If you fell off of one you would probably be seriously hurt. A few tricky switchbacks and some drops without warning. I didn't like this trail at all and don't plan to go back.

Fisher Farm- Great trail. Very well maintained. nice flow. Excellent options with a variety of difficulty's. I will certainly go back to this one.

North Meck- Been here before. Great trail but one of the bumpiest one I have ever ridden. Not enough to keep me away though.

avg- 8.5

max- 141- ?? I have a new computer ordered.
